Exploitation options

Utilization of intellectual property

Innovations and technical progress play a decisive role for a well-functioning and growing national economy. They provide impetus and direction for solving societal problems and serve as a direct asset for differentiation in the increasingly fast-paced international competition. With their basic research, universities make an enormously important contribution to this process, but these findings remain inaccessible to society without further development into a product and thus without efficient transfer. The most common forms of transfer, in terms of economic and practical relevance, are third-party funded research, exploitation through the sale of patents and the establishment of new businesses in the form of spin-offs.

Utilization of intellectual property

Sale of the patent

In the case of patent sales, financial returns can be generated in the short term through the sale of the property right, which then flow back into the university infrastructure. Another possible exploitation strategy is to hold patents in order to raise third-party funds. So-called third-party funds are funds that are raised for research and development by third parties and that classically flow in the case of contract and cooperative research.

Granting of licences

Another form of exploitation of university patents is the granting of licences, which generally involves the acquisition of the rights to use the industrial property rights or know-how of the technology provider. Three types of licenses are distinguished: the non-exclusive license, the exclusive license and the sole license. In the case of the non-exclusive license, the patent owner can grant his rights of use as often as he wishes and to different licensees. The exclusive license, on the other hand, can only be granted to a single licensee and thus gives him a monopoly position, since even the patent owner can no longer dispose of his invention. In the case of the so-called sole license, the right of use is granted to a single licensee, but the owner of the property right can use the technology himself. If you are interested in licensing out your technology or have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will assist you with our extensive expertise in licensing negotiations.

Incorporation of IP into a foundation

Exploitation through start-ups takes place with the help of spin-offs, which can ensure that scientific findings are transformed into marketable products or processes without major detours. Exploitation through a start-up is usually implemented through a sale of intellectual property (IP), exclusive licensing or through a shareholding in the start-up. The SVH works closely with the hei_INNOVATION department of the University of Heidelberg on this extensive topic, which specializes in supporting scientists with spin-offs and the development of business models. Please feel free to contact us!


  • Correspondence with licensees in the context of negotiating and concluding exploitation agreements
  • Handling the payment management of licenses and inventor royalties
  • Examination of IP clauses in other types of contracts
  • Conclusion of non-disclosure agreements and material transfer agreements
  • Invention Management
    Invention Management

    SVH's range of services initially includes invention management, i.e. the evaluation of individual technologies, which involves checking whether the inventions are "new, based on an inventive step and commercially applicable" in accordance with Section 1 of the Patent Act (PatG).

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  • Patent Consulting
    Patent Consulting

    The innovation is the basis of a transfer object, which is often at a very early stage of development, so that the actual market potential can often not be clearly identified or analysed. Patents can be helpful here as a decisive success factor for the progress of an idea, as they create a protective framework for the further development of innovations, especially in the case of research results that are not yet fully deeloped.

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  • Exploitation options
    Exploitation options

    Innovations and technical progress play a decisive role for a well-functioning and growing national economy. They provide impetus and direction for solving societal problems and serve as a direct asset for differentiation in the increasingly fast-paced international competition. With their basic research, universities make an enormously important contribution to this process, but these findings remain inaccessible to society without further development into a product and thus without efficient transfer. The most common forms of transfer, in terms of economic and practical relevance, are third-party funded research, exploitation through the sale of patents and the establishment of new businesses in the form of spin-offs.

    Learn more
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